Crismore to Lead Girls Cross Country

The MSD of Martinsville, approved on Thursday, February 17, 2022, the recommendation to hire Jared Crismore, as Head Girls Cross Country Coach at Martinsville High School. Coach Crismore has led the boys’ cross-country program for the past three seasons and guided the team to regional, semi-state, and state appearances. Jared has been active in the […]
Martinsville Orchestras

112 students from MSD Martinsville Orchestras participated at Indiana State Music Association’s Solo and Ensemble competition on Saturday, February 12th. Bell Intermediate had two ensembles and five soloists. All students received a gold medal rating. John R Wooden had three ensembles and ten solos and all received a gold medal rating!! Martinsville High School had […]
School Immunization Clinic

February 24th from 5:00-7:00 at the MHS Fieldhouse The MSD is partnering with the Indiana Immunization Coalition to offer a School Immunization Clinic to students within the MSD of Martinsville. The event will take place during our Kindergarten Kickoff. However, the immunization clinic is open to any student in the district. You must register beforehand […]
Youth First Grant

A grant award of $61,476 will be presented to Youth First, Inc., by the Kendrick Foundation on Wednesday, February 9, at 1:00 pm ET. The check presentation will be held at Paul Hadley Middle School, 200 W Carlisle St, Mooresville, IN. The media is invited to attend. The grant will allow continued support for students […]
District Alice Training

Friday, January 28, 2022 Dear Parent/ Guardian, The Metropolitan School District of Martinsville is committed to providing the safest possible environment for all students and staff by taking proactive steps in securing our schools. We want to ensure our students have a safe place to learn, work and grow. To maintain our safety standards and […]
COVID – 19 Update

Hello Artesian Families, The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) has updated its COVID-19 Control Measures based on the newest recommendations from the CDC. The MSD of Martinsville is mandated by IC 16-41-2-21 to follow the published control measures that detail quarantine and isolation of students and staff. Students ages 12 and older are now eligible for their booster. […]
MHS Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

Join us on Friday, January 7th, for a special MHS Spaghetti Dinner from 5 pm – 7 pm at Martinsville High School. Funds from the event will go towards 2022 post-prom activities for our students. The deadline to purchase advance tickets is Tuesday, January 4th by noon. Please call Martinsville High School, at 765-342-5571.
Announcement From the Board of School Trustees

Dear Martinsville School Community, Metropolitan School District of Martinsville announces that Dr. William Roberson will remain as the Interim Superintendent through June 2022. Dr. Roberson has been serving the district since July 1, 2021. On November 15, 2021, the Board voted to extend his contract through June 2022. Dr. Roberson said, “I am honored to […]
MSD Going Green Tues, Jan 5, 2021

Tuesday, December 29, 2020 Good afternoon, Artesians! I finally have some good news to share regarding our stoplight status! My team and I have been monitoring our covid impacted students and staff, our county numbers and the overall spread as we see it today. As a county, the positivity rate is coming down and as […]
Superintendent Survey Results

In October, the School Board of Trustees asked our community and staff what you value in a future school leader. The results of the Community and Staff Surveys can be found below. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the MSD of Martinsville. Community Survey Results MSD Staff Survey Results