Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary, middle, and high schools in the United States. Title I is part of the NO Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). This legislation grants federal funds to schools with large numbers of low-income children to provide extra educational services that help students achieve at high levels.
Children in Title I schools in the MSD of Martinsville will have access to additional staff (highly qualified teachers and aides) and academic programs to support their learning. Children also benefit from teacher and staff training and curriculum materials that are paid for with Title I funds.
Teachers, administrators, and other school staff at Title I schools work to identify students most in need of educational help (regardless of income) and measure student progress using state and local standards. Small group instruction, after school tutoring, and parent workshops are some of the services provided by Title I funding.
Schools with poverty rates of 40% or higher are eligible to implement a school-wide program to improve student achievement throughout the entire school. All school staff focus on upgrading the entire educational program and improving the achievement of all students, particularly those who are low achieving. In addition, a school improvement plan must be developed and implemented with the involvement of parents, teachers, principals, and administrators. Essentially, a school-wide program helps a school do more for all of its students.
All Title I schools have a written plan for how they will involve parents. Title I holds an annual meeting during open house to inform parents of the school’s plans for using Title I funds. In addition, all Title I schools offer a fall and spring reading workshop to help parents play an active role in their child’s education. Parents who are interested in serving on a Title I planning committee should contact their school principal or Title I teacher.
The Title I Programs of the MSD of Martinsville are committed to building a strong parent-school partnership by following parental policy guidelines in accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as listed below:
Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Through the use of written correspondence, conferences, surveys, meetings, and/or phone calls, each MSD of Martinsville Title I school pledges to:
*If the Metropolitan School District of Martinsville’s Title I Parent Involvement Policy is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, the school district will submit parent comments with the plan when it submits the plan to the Indiana Department of Education.